John Greene: Running every day can deliver huge benefits for our young at little cost to schools or parents
Source: The Independent IE
Date: 22-April-2018
The story has been told many times before but it will never grow old. It’s the one about the teacher in Scotland who thought her pupils didn’t look like they could run, so she got them running. And, as someone said last week, in that single act the teacher changed thousands of lives, because eight years later the school’s students are still running.
They run every single day. They call it The Daily Mile. And other primary schools in Scotland picked up on it and started a Daily <ile. England followed. And now – at last – Ireland is following too.
The Scottish teacher is Elaine Wylie and she was in St Brigid’s National School in Castleknock last week to pass her story on to the teachers and pupils. The occasion was the pilot launch of The Daily Mile. St Brigid’s is one of a number of Irish schools who have taken it on. The hope is that many more schools around the country will do likewise. In fact, what should happen is that every school starts a daily mile. All that’s needed is the will to make it happen.
…And the last word goes to one child in another of the pilot schools, Blennerville NS in Kerry: „The mile makes you more smiley.“
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