Cumbernauld Primary School – Cumbernauld, Scotland
Cumbernauld Primary School
Fact File
- Where we’re based: Cumbernauld, Scotland
- A description of our school: Cumbernauld Primary is a non-denominational and co-educational establishment, teaching children from five to twelve years old. We happily share our campus with our partners in education at St Andrew’s Primary School and Nursery. We have our own separate teaching areas of the school and joint use of social areas, such as; the playground, library, dining hall and gym hall. The schools work in partnership and join together for various activities and events throughout the year.
- School roll: 386 pupils
- Children in school doing The Daily Mile: Majority of classes from P1-7
- Where we run: In our playground or around our school pitches
- Month/Year we started The Daily Mile: August 2016
Stephanie Ralston and Hannah Lowdon, Acting Principal Teachers, talked us through Cumbernauld Primary School’s experience of The Daily Mile.
Did you face any barriers when implementing The Daily Mile? If yes, how did you overcome them?
Initially, we had some difficulties in fitting The Daily Mile into an already very busy schedule in classes. We overcame this by explaining the impact that The Daily Mile can have on concentration, and advising that it really didn’t take a lot of time. Adding it onto the end of a playtime/lunchtime ensured less time taken, in terms of transition.
Since starting The Daily Mile, what differences in the school have you observed?
The Daily Mile has allowed more opportunity for learning exercises outdoors and provided the children the opportunity to walk/run alongside children from all different ages/stages.
When completed in the afternoon, the differences have been observed in energy and concentration levels for the better.
What has been the impact on the children’s learning, concentration and focus?
As above, differences in learning and concentration – particularly when completed in the afternoon block.
What has been the impact on the children’s behaviour, mood and relationships?
Good opportunities when completing The Daily Mile to form positive relationships with other children from other classes who are completing theirs at the same time.
The mood of majority of children is an improvement when they come back to class to settle and complete activities.
There has been a positive impact on the majority of behaviour after students partake in their Daily Mile.
Do you have any tips for other schools looking to get started?
Don’t see it as ‚another new thing‘, just give it a go!
What have the parents’ reactions to The Daily Mile been?
Majority of parents have been very happy with The Daily Mile being implemented into our school, as it provides their children with more exercise and is having a positive effect on their concentration and mood overall.
Any other comments?
Not a specific comment from children but overall when discussing The Daily Mile with staff, children in the class are very keen to take part and are always looking forward to finding out which part of the day they be doing it in.
Miss L Connelly (P2 Class Teacher), „I’ve found The Daily Mile to be a great way to settle my class, particularly in the afternoon as it really helps their concentration.“
Visit Cumbernauld Primary School’s website for more information.